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Lanshan convened a special meeting to study and deploy the project construction of wind power

2018-03-20 17:21:27

In March 7th, a special meeting was held in Lanshan to hear the progress and problems in the construction and delivery of wind power development projects in 2018.

Meeting the requirements of the headquarters staff to strengthen the sense of responsibility, efforts to promote wind power project construction work; all departments and county government, township enterprises to communicate, solve the project encountered problems, do the signs lease compensation, prevent soil erosion, to create a good investment environment for development.

The meeting stressed that to fully realize the importance of wind power project construction and transmission project, to take the initiative for the enterprise to share those problem-solving, continuously improve the efficiency; to truly achieve the "three remember", namely that duty, keep grasping projects is to grasp the economic construction, keep in mind the interests are not trivial, adhere to the "four principles" that is, favorable development principle, rely on the local Party committee and government to solve the problem of the principle, according to the law of innovation and responsibility principle, problem oriented principle.

The meeting noted that the County wind power command to implement flipchart combat, in-depth project construction line; project construction units to strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency, establish project progress reporting system, in the premise of ensuring safety and quality, to achieve the desired goals as soon as possible.

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